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* Parshas-Bereishis 10/16/2009
* Parshas Lech Lecha 10/30/2009
* Parshas Lech Lecha 10/15/1010
* Parshas Lech Lecha 11/04/2011
* Parshas Chaya Sarah 11/18/2011
* Parshas Vayeitzei 11/27/2009
* Parshas Vayishlach 12/4/2009
* Parshas Vayishlach 11/19/2010
* Parshas Vayeishev 11/26/2010
* Parshas Vayeishev 11/26/2010
* Parshas Vayeishev 12/09/2011
* Parshas Vayeishev 12/16/2011